04 September 2008

Going Greek

Welcome travelers!  

I feel like a part of me is missing - my sassy sister, Kim, and our faithful companion, Peppy, are not going to be along for this ride - but I sure hope they'll be reading along with me.  Next week, I'm taking a trip with my husband, Rex, and three other couples to Venice, Italy, and then on a cruise of the Greek Isles and other nearby spots.  I'll do my best to share our adventures and experiences with you, and after this trip is history, I plan to take a trip down Memory Lane and revisit some of my favorite places.  Thus far, all of my blogs have been about road trips I've taken with my sister along two-lane highways in the US.  This blog will be a little of everything - family trips, girlfriend road trips, tours, day trips, business adventures - just a random record of some of my memories of places I've been and things I've seen.  Glad you're along for the ride!  

“Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish Chuck and I had been able to go on this trip....family obligations took us another direction. I really look forward to travelling with you vicariously!! So with a heavy heart I wish you Bon Voyage next Tuesday!
Pam Riley